Sit tight friends and fans because AMC's season Five of
Breaking Bad has just gotten underway.
French Transl. "L'Impuissance"
The scene plays out like this: Lead character "Walter White," played by Emmy-nominated Bryan Cranston, comes home to celebrate the moment of regaining his "health" with his estranged but faithful and long-suffering wife.
He, fittingly, chooses a bottle of Pol Roger to celebrate the moment. His wife, accustomed to a husband who doesn't even provide enough for groceries or the basics of electricity, hot water and food on the table, not to mention that other necessary duty, marvels at where in the world did he get the cash to buy a $200 bottle of luxury French champagne?
And that's when cher Walter spills the beans... that he's swimming in cash. He's rolling in cash. He's awash in Benjamins. Cash is not the problem. The problem (besides the obvious one - see transl. above) is accounting for the ways and means in which he's collected and hidden all the cash...And why he's kept it a secret from his wife for these long years.
Well, a wife denied food and affection for years, even decades, can easily succumb to some instant fizz - understandably. Be sure to watch Season Five (Part 2) of
Breaking Bad (in the U.S. on
AMC and cable channels, in
France on Arte') to see if Walter is finally up to the task of satisfying his wife's needs and desires.
For Pol Roger, a venerable champagne brand who has favored the English for a few centuries, this could mark a successful foray into the American market. Then again, their unwillingness/inability to furnish their illustrious bubbles to the world's reigning King and Queen of Pop - Beyonce' and Jay-Z - at their St. Barth's wedding, might actually have the stronger market reverberations.
Stay tuned to see whether PolRoger actually succeeds in getting it up on the upcoming season of Breaking Bad...