Celebrating its 25th year, the Institut Paul Bocuse culinary arts school chose a most fitting location for its fête: Le Pavillon Ledoyen Paris, recently awarded its 3rd Michelin star under the new ownership of Chef Yannick Alléno. Present also was one of the institute's founding advisors, former Cultural Minister of France, Jack Lang.
Celebrating its successful graduates and partnerships over the past 25 years, including with Accor Hotels, Danone and many others, under the leadership of the illustrious chef, Paul Bocuse and his indispensable team, Gérard Péllisson and Hervé Fleury, they are looking forward to the even more culinary creativity and innovation in French cuisine as they train the next generations.
The institute also serves as a business incubator for new concepts in the hospitality, F&B and culinary arts world. It has helped launch four operational businesses so far.
It als has implemented a new 11-week course for professionals looking to create and establish their own restaurant. These professionals might come from a culinary background with training, or perhaps are looking for a career change. Some of the participants are French, while others come from a diverse multicultural and international background.
In French:
...nouvellement créé, ce programme de 11 semaines est destiné à celles et ceux qui souhaitent créer et diriger leur restaurant. L'Institut paul Bocuse a initié un partenariat avec CCI Formation Lyon et collabore avec l'uMIH Formation. 10 stagiaires amateurs en reconversion (40 ans de moyenne d'âge) viennent de la France entière, de l'étranger et d'horizons très divers (chef de vente, directeur commercial et marketing, informaticien, DRH, médecin, etc.). L'objectif de l'Institut paul Bocuse est d'inscrire ce programme au Registre national de la Certification professionnelle (RnCp) dans les 3 ans.
On the school's premises in the city center of Lyon, France there is one gastronomic restaurant open to the public: Saisons
Le restaurant gastronomique Saisons Ouvert au public, ce restaurant pédagogique permet aux étudiants d'évoluer en situation réelle et ainsi d'acquérir les connaissances nécessaires à l'exigence des métiers de la restauration gastronomique.
More information can be found on their website: institutpaulbocuse.com